Let's face it. No horse was evolved to stand in a stall. But when it's not possible to give your performance horse access to the open range, we can help. By utilizing equine-specific probiotics and gastric resource agents, GastroEase EQ™ addresses all of your horse's gastrointestinal issues with one effective formula. And just like that, your horse's most critical system has the comfort it needs.
Use GastroEase™ alone or with PPIs to support speedy healing of injured gastric tissue.
Feed GastroEase™ daily to support gastric lining health.
Gastric Lining Support
For the horse, the act of chewing and swallowing produces large quantities of saliva that has a basic ph
level. His stomach produces a constant flow of acid, which is essential to begin nutrient breakdown. But
when stalled horses are allowed spans of 6-8 hours between feedings, un-buffered acid builds up and
bathes the horse’s stomach lining, irritating his exposed gastric tissues and creating conditions that can
produce gastric discomfort and ulcers. Various medications, forced exercise and stress also contribute
to ulceration of the horse’s gastric tissue.
GastroEase EQ™ helps buffer excess stomach acid, and soothes and comforts the stomach lining by
supporting the body’s own efforts to provide constant protection and healing where causative factors
are at work. GastroEase EQ™ works at various levels of the epithelial and mucosa lining, supporting
the body’s efforts to heal and prevent ulcers.
Severe Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome is best diagnosed and prescribed for by a veterinarian.
High-grade squamous ulcers are often treated with a proton pump inhibitor, which works by limiting
or shutting off the production of stomach acid. PPIs require hours or days to take effect, but offer a
medically proven treatment for epithelial gastric ulcers. Unfortunately, proton pump inhibitors are not
effective for mucosal ulcers that occur in the duodenum and back. The ingredients in GastroEase
EQ™ soothe and support gastric and intestinal tissue.
The very effect of the proton pump inhibitor lowering the stomach acid may inhibit the digestion of
protein and fiber, which is required for thorough gastric lining healing. As these undigested nutrients
are passed back to the hind gut, they can create excessive fermentation which increases the potential
for gas colic. Some undigested nutrients can be absorbed into the hind gut lining ,causing inflammation
and setting up chronic colitis. Ingredients in GastroEase EQ™ support complete gastric and hind
gut digestion during PPI therapy, and help control undesirable hind gut acidosis.
Digestive Enhancement Function
The Science of GastroEase EQ™
Simply stated, the horse’s stomach can be thought of as the beginning point for turning vegetative
matter into absorbable ”slurry” (ingesta) that can be further processed and utilized as it moves through
the intestines. Passing through the intestines at just the right pace, the slurry is further digested by
specific enzymes and fermentation that break it down into smaller and smaller units until they can be
absorbed through the healthy intestinal walls. The walls of the intestine are populated by billions of
“friendly” bacteria. These bacteria are the flora that support digestion and surround and protect the
absorption-enhancing structures in the mucosa.
The vital balance of the flora of the equine intestine is quite fragile and is easily disrupted by stress,
dehydration, medication, antibiotic therapy, grain overload, disease and environmental factors. When
such an upset occurs, unfriendly pathogenic organisms quickly begin to overgrow the flora and severe
gastrointestinal issues can appear. E coli, clostridia, salmonella and other pathogens can create
conditions ranging from mild diarrhea to life threatening GI disease. Nothing is more disheartening than
treating a horse suffering from ongoing GI issues.
Daily feeding of GastroEase EQ™ brings healthy probiotic organisms to the flora to constantly
rejuvenate the mucosa and prevent overgrowth by pathogens. The Digestive Enhancement Function
also provides a very aggressive level of prebiotics, which provide nutrition to beneficial flora but are
deadly to pathogens.
Necessary enzymes, amino acids and digestive enhancing yeast, included in each daily feeding of
GastroEase EQ™, supports optimum hind gut digestion.
Your performance horse will quickly reflect the benefits of complete spectrum of GastroEase EQ™!
Gastric Lining Support Digestive Enhancement Function
• Buffers excess stomach acid.
• Quickly soothes and comforts the GI lining.
• Supports regeneration of damaged
gastric tissue, works well with proton pump
• Supports continued tissue healing after PPI
• Supports prevention of gastric lining flare-
ups in horses with recurring symptoms.
• Supports healthy gastrointestinal mucosa
to prevent ulcers.
• POWERFUL Probiotic and Prebiotic
supports healthy gut flora and inhibits the
growth of G.I. pathogens.
• Supports complete digestion of nutrients.
• Supports a thrifty, bloomy appearance.
• Controls the metabolism of sugars,
reducing undesirable sugar peaks and
creating quieter athletes.
• Significantly supports the equine immune
system for healthier horses.
* Inhibits hindgut over- acidity or “acidosis”
which may contribute to endotoxemia
generated laminitis.
* Helps control transient and persistent
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